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The Story Behind Our Logo

What's in a picture? Well, the logo that is the face of Pencil Stencil LLC tells the story of one girl's creativity. While conceptualizing Pencil Stencil LLC, I experienced difficulties developing a logo. What should the logo include? A Pencil? Stencil Art? Various school supplies? What colors should the logo consist of? How can we ensure that the logo captures our core audience - Children? I pondered these questions for quite sometime, but then all of a sudden, it hit me. All the answers were right before me in the then 5-year-old sitting across from me, eating cereal and watching cartoons at my dining room table. The answer was in my own child. "Can you draw me a picture of whatever comes to your mind when you think of the words 'Pencil Stencil?'" I asked my then 5-year-old. "Okay," she mumbled through bites of cocoa and peanut butter puffs. I quickly gathered printing paper, markers, and colored pencils. Ten minutes later, the Pencil Stencil LLC logo was born - the literal brain child of my own child. When done, she pushed her creation across the table to me rather nonchalantly, and continued on with her cartoons. I, on the other hand, knew that her drawing was the perfect exemplification of what I believe Pencil Stencil embodies - Pure, authentic, childhood creativity, innocence, and adeptness.

Seeing her drawing plastered across various sites as Pencil Stencil's logo seems to have given my daughter a sense of pride and empowerment - 2 things that only experiences can garner. Ironically, the conceptualization of our logo is just what Pencil Stencil LLC is all about - empowering young children so that they gain a sense of pride in themselves, and see that they are indeed creative, talented, and awesome. I am humbled to have had the opportunity to offer my own child an experience that became empowering for her, and allowed her to acknowledge her own creativity - something that all children deserve.

~Cynthia Chambers

Owner and Founder

Pencil Stencil LLC

2021 Copyright

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