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"Hi" Stands for Hiatus - Reconnecting at the WNDR Museum

We’ve been on a bit of a hiatus. Why? Well, because…life. From embarking on a new year of homeschooling, to managing the mundane day-to-day tasks of existing, parenting, cultivating an environment for the children that is carefree and full of play, and maneuvering through the world of COVID, (ugh, COVID!) I have found it difficult to stay on top of creating content. That’s life, and I am living it. Sometimes living life supersedes documenting it. That could not be truer than at this time in my and my children’s lives, where I have made it my mission to be more intentional about living in the moment. I have found that for me, it is difficult to live in the moment while I am filming the moment. So, prior to our hiatus, I decided to grant myself some grace, and document only when I am so compelled, and my children are not sacrificing time spent with their Mother for moments captured on film. We will document and share as we can, and I am sure that we will. Fortunately, today was one of those times that we could. And what better way is there to capture learning through fun, play, and adventure – a tenant of Pencil Stencil – than at the WNDR (pronounced “Wonder”) Museum?

Located in Chicago’s West Loop neighborhood, the WNDR Museum self-describes as “…a cultural and artistic hub that is constantly changing to fit the needs of the world around it…[It is] a campus of creativity and curiosity…[that] reimagines the traditional museum experience…” (Source: About | WNDR Museum Chicago). I would have to say that the WNDR Museum certainly lives up to all of this. The museum is a fun and exciting unconventional studio where imagination and creativity merge. It is enjoyable for the entire family.

Each exhibit at the WNDR Museum allows for a time of exciting play and engagement. Each installation allows guests to interact with art, as each piece is indeed a work of art. The exhibits play on optical illusion and bring into question the reality of perception.

To visit the WNDR Museum, tickets must be purchased online in advance. Pricing is reasonable for the interactive experience. Finding adequate parking in the area can be a challenge. I would recommend locating parking in advance with an app such as Spot Hero. To learn more about the WNDR Museum, and to plan a visit, go to their website at WNDR Museum | Chicago.

Check out my family’s visit to the WNDR Museum below. If you’ve been, share your experience. If you haven’t been, are you now considering it? Let us know in the comments below, and don’t forget to share and subscribe to our Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube channel.

Bye, Bye for now, and we will see you on our next learning adventure!

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